Cricket Stats - Stroud CC Logo

S Cash

Name S Cash
Batting Style
Bowling Style
Debut 2004
Matches 14


Matches Inns N.O. Runs Avg. 100's 50's Ducks Rank
14 14 2 156 13 0 0 3 589th
Best Batting Fixture
Score Opposition Date
37 Hatherley And Reddings 2004-07-17


Matches Overs Maidens Runs Wickets 5-Wickets Rank
14 114 13 492 19 0 362nd
Best Bowling Fixture
Score Opposition Date
4-36 Hatherley And Reddings 2004-07-17

Season Totals

Year Matches Inns N.O. Runs Avg. 100's 50's Ducks Overs Maidens Bowled Runs Wickets 5-Wickets
2004 12 12 2 152 12.67 0 0 2 104 13 429 17 0
2005 2 2 0 4 2 0 0 1 10 0 63 2 0