Cricket Stats - Stroud CC Logo

G Thomas

Name G Thomas
Batting Style
Bowling Style
Debut 1999
Matches 2


Matches Inns N.O. Runs Avg. 100's 50's Ducks Rank
2 1 1 9 INF 0 0 0 1646th
Best Batting Fixture
Score Opposition Date
9 Corse And Staunton 1999-06-12


Matches Overs Maidens Runs Wickets 5-Wickets Rank
2 20 2 66 6 0 642nd
Best Bowling Fixture
Score Opposition Date
3-31 Corse And Staunton 1999-06-12

Season Totals

Year Matches Inns N.O. Runs Avg. 100's 50's Ducks Overs Maidens Bowled Runs Wickets 5-Wickets
1999 2 1 1 9 4.5 0 0 0 20 2 66 6 0